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28 Sep
With respect to Hungarian legislation, probably the word “salad act” (meaning the case when an act governing and amending a specific territory with a specific purpose also contains such provisions that modify a quite different territory a…
07 Sep
Alternative dispute resolution by the Consumer Ombudsman.

03 Sep
La loi Macron est entrée en vigueur le 8 août 2015. Elle assouplit le régime d’attribution des bons de souscription de parts de créateur d’entreprise afin de favoriser les jeunes entreprises dans leur dév…

12 Aug
Legal Representation of a Company and the Commercial Register According to the transitional provisions of Business Corporations Act (Act No. 90/2012 Coll.), any provisions in a memorandum of association which were in conflict with mandatory provisio…
11 Aug
Revolutionary Changes in Polish Criminal Procedure A long awaited and extensive amendment to the Polish Code of Criminal Procedure came into force on 1 July, 2015.