How to enforce a judgment in... A Practical Guide
16 January 2023Glòria Vinyals
Led by Glòria Vinyals, the WLN Litigation Focus Group have created a practical guide for those interested in how to judgments are enforced in different jurisdictions.
We currently have the following jurisdictions included
- Argentina
- Austria
- Belgium
- England
- Hungary
- Spain
Please open and download the guide by clicking on the link to the right of this webpage.
You can keep up to date with the Litigation group and the other groups by checking the Focus Group page on the website. Latest versions of our guides will be available to download from that webpage, as well as on the Publications page (where you can download individual jurisdiction chapters).
We thank Gloria and the Litigation Focus Group for writing this handbook. We expect this guide to be updated as more jurisdictions join the group - the latest version will always be accessible on the Publications page.
For further information about this guide or about the Litigation Focus Group, please contact:
Gloria Vinyals , Lawyer
Bufete Maná-Krier-Elvira, Barcelona
t: +34 93 4878030
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