Member area

22 May
Article: "Joint and Several Liability of the Parties to Private Independent Contractor Agreements" by Avv. Lucia Scomparin of Bussoletti, Nuzzo & Associati, WLN Member firm in Rome, Italy
17 May
Morningstar Law Group is delighted to announce that Richard J. Caira, Jr. has joined the firm as a partner (WLN members, Raleigh & Durham, North Carolina)

16 May
Comparative Polish/English law article by Natalia Rutkowska of Gorazda, Świstuń, Wątroba i Partnerzy (WLN members in Kraków). In both English & Polish.
12 Apr
German law article on changes in the use of temporary workers, by Annika Peltzer of ebl factum rechtsanwälte, WLN members in Frankfurt, Germany

07 Apr
Swedish Law article by Erik Rosén of Flood Herslow Holme, WLN members in Stockholm
28 Mar
Business Connections LIVE TV Interview: WLN's Managing Director, Stuart Miller talks to Steve Hyland