Susanne Pälmke
Name | Susanne Pälmke |
City | Walchwil/Zug |
Region | Zurich Area |
Position | Lawyer |
Experience | lic. iur., LL.M. (USA), MAS ECI (Lucerne), CFE (USA) |
Years of practice | 26 |
Areas of law | Compliance, anti-corruption & AML, Insolvency, turnaround & debt collection, Employment, Pensions, Immigration, Dispute Resolution & Litigation, Criminal Law, white collar crime, Commercial, distribution, agency & re-seller agreements |
Businesses | Professional Services |
Mother tongue | German |
Spoken languages | Catalan, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Swedish |
Practicing as public notary | No |
International Liaison | No | | |
Phone | +41 (41) 711 70 60 |
Fax | +41 (41) 711 70 78 |